Publication “Perspectives on Digital Humanism” with a contribution from Julian Nida-Rümelin


  • Hannes Werthner

  • Erich Prem

  • Edward A. Lee

  • Carlo Ghezzi

This open access book aims to set an agenda for research and action in the field of Digital Humanism through short essays written by selected thinkers from a variety of disciplines, including computer science, philosophy, education, law, economics, history, anthropology, political science, and sociology. This initiative emerged from the Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism and the associated lecture series.

Digital Humanism deals with the complex relationships between people and machines in digital times. It acknowledges the potential of information technology. At the same time, it points to societal threats such as privacy violations and ethical concerns around artificial intelligence, automation and loss of jobs, ongoing monopolization on the Web, and sovereignty. Digital Humanism aims to address these topics with a sense of urgency but with a constructive mindset. The book argues for a Digital Humanism that analyses and, most importantly, influences the complex interplay of technology and humankind toward a better society and life while fully respecting universal human rights. It is a call to shaping technologies in accordance with human values and needs.

The book will be published on 11.12.2021 and can be ordered here.

Since the book is published in open access format, you can find all contributions here.


“An important topic we need to think about”


Eörs Szathmáry Elected Vice Chair of UNESCO IBSP Board